1940-2020 80th anniversary of the ARANDORA STAR tragedy

JULY 2, 1940

On board the Arandora Star, a luxury cruise ship converted into a boat for deportees bound for Canada, 1,200 civilian prisoners, including 712 Italian emigrants, were crammed in. After being hit by a torpedo launched from a German submarine, the Arandora Star sank in less than forty minutes: the men who lost their lives numbered more than 800 and among them 446 were Italians, mostly from the poorer areas of the Apennines, particularly Lucchesia and Parmense, who had been arrested after Mussolini's declaration of war.

JULY 2, 2020

On the 80th anniversary, the Foundation is participating in a number of commemorative events

6:30 p.m., online event dedicated to the tragedy of the ARANDORA STAR, to which MUP Publisher dedicated a book, now freshly reprinted.

Arandora Star. From oblivion to memory, by Maria Serena Balestracci (MUP Publisher 2008).

The event will feature talks by.

Marzio Dall'Acqua, President MUP Publisher,

Maria Serena Balestracci, author,

Giuseppe Conti, Head of the Arandora Star Bardi Victims Committee

Pietro Luigi Biagioni, Director Paolo Cresci Foundation.

After the discussion there will be a screening of the documentary

ARANDORA STAR The forgotten tragedy

produced by the Paolo Cresci Foundation and NoiTV

9 p.m. Barga, Piazza San Felice

Screening of the docufilm

ARANDORA STAR The forgotten tragedy

With an introduction by Pietro Luigi Biagioni, director of the Paolo Cresci Foundation