Sport and emigration a story to be discovered

February 24, 2022 4:00 p.m.. Videoconference on the social channels of the Genoa Museums.

Smarginando Festival "Waiting for theMEI"

Sports and emigration a story to tell, in the Festival Smarginando could not miss the sporting activity, particularly football, which has been a very important tool of integration for Italians who, often in search of new prospects in life, left Italy. No language and no homeland for

unique experience of growth and creativity and sharing as the game. From these experiences, born at an amateur level for the purpose of "creating community," real clubs have gradually formed over the decades that have become internationally popular but still carry in their DNA that seed planted by Italian emigration.

So many are the Italian-descended sportsmen and women who have brought prestige to their country of origin, beyond the colors of the flag that flew to celebrate a record or an important achievement.

Therefore, the National Museum of Italian Emigration got in touch with South America's leading soccer clubs of Italian origin, involving them in the creation of an important narrative that highlights how sport has often been a faithful snapshot of the lives of Italian emigrants, intertwining with historical events, different social conditions and the specificities of the countries of immigration.;